Jaime Vasquez was born on the north Pacific coast of Peru, in the port of Chimbote, surrounded by images and an atmosphere that he never thought to leave. Currently, those limits disappeared, the Atlantic coasts of America welcomed, as witnessed by his large one-man show at the United Nations, in New York in 2002, which marked the beginning of his careerin the Big Apple, Vasquez belongs to that rare group of artists whose work transcends the distances that separate people for reasons of races, and cultural reasons. This clearly validates the universality of his work.

He has been awarded many recognitions, in different countries, where he has exhibited his paintings, he is considered to be one of the most important contemporary neo-symbolist painters, according to experts , among them Paola Antonelli curator of the Museum of Modern Art in New York(MoMa) .Who considers that Vasquez has a master's degree amazing in his technique.

His work is in important private and public collections in the World. Currently resides in New York, participates as a partner in important institutions including Salmagundi Club, located on Fifth Avenue, in Manhattan, one of the oldest and most prestigious artists clubs Plastics, founded in 1917, of which Winston Churchill was an honorary member.

IN 2011 The Museum of the University City of New York published a book monograph for his 35 years of professional work, in which he contains all his pictorial production throughout this time, with the title of "The dream Metaphorical ", a volume that is available in the most important libraries of the United States and the world. He is represented by important galleries, including one of the most ancient and prestigious such as the Misrachi gallery in Mexico DF, of whichcame to fame, important artists such as Diego Rivera, Frida Khalo, David Alfaro Siqueiros etc.

He is currently working on major projects in realization.



Alison Bignon


Monijara (Monica Jaramillo)